The Soundtrack that Conquered Brazil is Back

Written by Felipe Costa

ArqBahia team of authors.

Paraíso Tropical is a soap opera that aired in 2007 and is now back on Globo's Vale a Pena Ver de Novo. The plot revolves around the power struggle between Daniel and Olavo in Antenor Cavalcanti's company, while the main couple, formed by Daniel and Paula, faces the schemes of the protagonist's twin, Taís. However, what really caught the public's attention at the time were the anti-heroes Olavo and Bebel, who won over viewers with a twisted romance full of chemistry.

This entire story took place with the soundtrack created by Gal Costa, who made a mark throughout Brazil, singing the opening theme song of the soap opera, entitled “Sábado em Copacabana”. In 2007, the singer recorded the song at the direct request of Gilberto Braga, co-author of the plot alongside Ricardo Linhares. Now, with the return of the soap opera, Maria Bethânia remembers with emotion the opportunity to have her voice reach thousands of homes, people, hearts and feelings.

“It will always be an honor to sing Caymmi. This extraordinary Bahian, out of the ordinary. Great master of our music, our poetry, our rhythm. It was an immense emotion when Gilberto Braga asked me to do it. I immediately said yes, but a little scared because it is a huge responsibility to sing Caymmi. And for a soap opera opening, that is, a song that will be performed daily. But I prepared, I studied, I did the best I could. I did it with a lot of love, a lot of devotion and I was very grateful to Gilberto because he said: 'no, I don't want another singer, I want you'. And that was beautiful, it was beautiful, the opening was very beautiful. Everything was beautiful there, as Caymmi deserves.”

Maria Bethânia in an interview with Rede Globo

This is not the first time that Maria Bethânia lends her voice to a soap opera. In 2022, the singer performed the opening theme of Pantanal, another successful plot that won over the Brazilian public. For her, singing in soap operas is a very beautiful path for a singer's voice, as it allows her art to reach a wide and diverse audience.

In addition to the striking voice of Maria Bethânia, the soundtrack for Paraíso Tropical also featured other MPB classics, such as “Ruas de Outono”, performed by Gal Costa (1945-2022), “Preciso Dizer que Te Amo”, by Bebel Gilberto , “É com Esse que Eu Vou”, by Elis Regina (1945-1982), “Carvão”, by Ana Carolina, “Olha”, partnership of Chico Buarque and Erasmo Carlos (1941-2022), “Não Enche”, by Caetano Veloso, and “Samba do Avião”, by Milton Nascimento.

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