How to make a registration?

Written by Lucas Oliveira

ArqBahia team of authors.


A summary is a record made on cards, where you can gather quotes or summarize the main ideas of a text. It is a very useful study and research technique for organizing and facilitating the consultation of relevant information on a given subject. In this article, you will learn how to make a registration efficiently, following ABNT standards and the different types of registration that exist.

What is a token and what is it for?

A record is a way of organizing information from a text into cards, which can be manual or digital. Each card contains the complete bibliographic reference of the source consulted, as well as the most important data about the content, which can be direct quotes, summaries or comments.

The record serves several purposes, such as:

  • Assist in understanding and memorizing the text;
  • Facilitate the review and synthesis of main ideas;
  • Speed up the search for citations and references for academic works;
  • Develop critical sense and analytical skills.

What are the types of records?

There are three main types of records: citation, textual and bibliographic. Each of them has specific characteristics and objectives, which must be taken into account when choosing the most suitable one for your purpose. See the differences between them below:

Citation filing

The citation record is one that brings together the most important phrases cited in a text, transcribed in quotation marks and indicating the page from which they were taken. This type of record is useful for recording the author's exact words, preserving his style and thoughts.


Sheet 1
Reference: FERNANDES, Márcia. Filing: how to do it, types and models. Toda Matéria, 2021. Available at: Accessed on: 21 Jan. 2022.


  • In the form, we summarize the ideas of a content – which can be a book, or part of it, a magazine article and a journalistic report, for example.” (p. 1)
  • “Once we write down some ideas contained in a text in our words, the result is a particular work, because it reflects our own intellectual journey, that is, the way we understand such ideas.” (p. 1)
  • “The structure of the document is: header, bibliographic reference and text, where you must write the main content.” (p. 2)

Textual or summary filing

The textual or summary statement is one that presents the main ideas of the text in your own words, without copying the author's sentences. This type of summary is useful for synthesizing the content and facilitating understanding of the topic.


Sheet 2
Reference: EVEN3. Registration: what it is, how to do it and main ABNT rules. Even3 Blog, 2020. Available at: Accessed on: 21 Jan. 2022.


The article explains what a form is, what it is for, what types it is and how to make a form following the ABNT rules. Bookkeeping is a technique for formatting a text into cards, compiling the main ideas from your readings in one place. It can be used as support in the construction of academic work or as personal material for studies. The types of records are: citation, bibliographic and summary. The article also presents tips and examples of how to use the form in different situations.

Bibliographic record

The bibliographic record is the one that brings together basic information about the source consulted, such as author, title, year, publisher, location and number of pages. This type of record is useful for cataloging bibliographic references and facilitating their location.


Sheet 3
Reference: SESAMEHR. Ready Filing: Tips for Efficient Documentation. Sesame HR Blog, 2021. Available at: Accessed on: 21 Jan. 2022.

Bibliographic data:

  • Author: Sesame HR
  • Title: Ready Filing: Tips for Efficient Documentation
  • Year: 2021
  • Publisher: Sesame HR
  • Location: São Paulo
  • Number of pages: 5

How to make a registration?

To create a quality record, it is essential to follow some tips. Firstly, when reading the material you want to record, highlight the main ideas and the excerpts that you consider most relevant. This will help when summarizing and creating a concise statement.

Then, when creating the form, use a clear and organized structure. The form must contain:

  • Header: with your name, subject, teacher and date;
  • Bibliographic reference: with data from the source consulted, following ABNT standards;
  • Text: with citations, summaries or bibliographic data, depending on the type of record chosen.

Registration can be done manually on paper cards or in notepads, or digitally using computer programs or cell phone applications. Choose the way you consider most practical and functional for your objective.

Remember that if the record is a task requested by a teacher, it is important to follow the guidelines given by him and the standards of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).


Recording is a study and research technique that consists of recording information from a text on cards. It can be used for various purposes, such as helping with understanding, memorization, reviewing and searching for citations and references.

There are three main types of records: citation, textual and bibliographic. Each of them has specific characteristics and objectives, which must be taken into account when choosing the most suitable one for your purpose.

To make a note efficiently, it is essential to follow some tips, such as highlighting the main ideas of the text, using a clear and organized structure and following ABNT standards.


  • What is a registration?
    A: A summary is a record made on cards, where you can gather quotes or summarize the main ideas of a text.
  • What is a token for?
    A: A file serves several purposes, such as helping with understanding, memorization, review and searching for citations and references.
  • What are the types of records?
    A: The types of records are: citation, textual and bibliographic.
  • How to make a registration?
    A: To make a record, you need to read the material you want to record, highlight the main ideas and the most relevant excerpts, create a clear and organized structure with a heading, bibliographic reference and text and follow ABNT standards.
  • What is the difference between listing, summary and review?
    A: The difference between listing, summary and review is that the listing is a record made on cards with citations or summaries of the text; the summary is a reduction of the original text in your own words; and the review is a critical evaluation of the text with personal opinions.
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