Lesson Plan: Folklore Early Childhood Education BNCC

Written by Mariana Santos

ArqBahia team of authors.



Main objectives:
– Provide children with an understanding of folklore concepts, presenting their various cultural manifestations.
– Develop respect for cultural diversity, valuing popular traditions.
– Stimulate children’s creativity and imagination through stories, songs and folk games.

Secondary objectives:
– Promote interaction between children, encouraging teamwork.
– Encourage the development of oral language and body expression.
– Connect folk traditions with children’s daily lives, showing the importance of preserving and valuing popular culture.


To start the class, let's talk about what folklore is and how it manifests itself in our culture. We will present songs, stories and folk games to spark children's interest and curiosity.



  1. Conversation circle: Let's ask the children if they know what folklore is and if they know any folklore manifestations. Then present images, songs and stories to illustrate these concepts.

  2. Storytelling: Tell a well-known folk legend, such as Saci-Pererê or Curupira, stimulating children's imagination and creativity.

  3. Folk games: Teach traditional games, such as ciranda, nursery rhymes and tongue twisters, to promote interaction and fun among children.


Learning Check

  • Ask questions about what children learned during class, encouraging participation and expression of ideas.

Student feedback

  • Ask the children to share what they liked most about the class and if they had any questions or curiosity about folklore.


  • Suggest that children research at home about some folkloric expression that they don't yet know and share with the class in the next lesson.


To end the class, let's remember what we learned about folklore and the importance of preserving popular traditions. We will highlight how folklore enriches our culture and identity, inviting children to value and respect the different manifestations of our folklore.

In the end, we will emphasize that folklore is a fundamental part of our history and that each of us can contribute to keeping this rich cultural heritage alive.


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