Color Lesson Plan for Students with Autism

Written by Mariana Santos

ArqBahia team of authors.



1. Provide students with autism with an understanding of different colors and how they can be identified and named. (Skill 1)

2. Develop students' ability to relate colors to everyday objects, improving their visual and cognitive perception. (Skill 2)

3. Stimulate students' verbal expression, encouraging them to describe and identify colors appropriately. (Skill 3)

4. Promote social interaction between students, through group activities that involve color recognition. (Skill 6)


1. To start the class, the teacher must present the objectives of the day, explaining that they will learn about colors and how to identify them.

2. Using visual materials, such as colored cards or colored objects, the teacher will show examples of different colors and their respective identifications.

3. The teacher can introduce the class through songs or educational videos about colors, to attract students' attention and stimulate interest in the topic.


1. Review of previous knowledge: The teacher will review the colors already presented, asking students to point and name the colors.

2. Presentation of theory: The teacher will explain the different primary and secondary colors, showing how they can be mixed to form new colors.

3. Practical activities:
– Activity 1: Students will be invited to select objects of specific colors in a sensory box, favoring the association between the color and the object.
– Activity 2: Memory game with colored cards, where students will have to find pairs of the same colors.


1. Checking for Learning: Students will be encouraged to point and name colors on objects around the classroom to check their understanding of the content.

2. Student Feedback: Students will be encouraged to share their experiences and which colors they found easiest or most difficult to identify.


1. Students will be encouraged to make a list of colored objects they find at home and, if possible, name each color correctly.


1. The teacher will recap the main colors learned during the class, reinforcing the importance of identifying them correctly.

2. It will be highlighted to students that color recognition can help organize and understand the world around them, and that it is a useful skill in everyday life.

3. Finally, the teacher will encourage students to practice identifying colors in their daily lives, to reinforce learning and facilitate its application in different situations.

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