salary anticipation for civil servants in june in bahia

Escrito por Thiago Pinheiro

ArqBahia team of authors.

Governor Jerônimo Rodrigues announces benefit for public servants

The Government of Bahia announced, in a press conference held on Monday (12), an important measure in relation to the salaries of public servants. Governor Jerônimo Rodrigues announced the anticipation of salaries to June 23rd. This measure aims to offer more financial peace of mind to active and inactive employees, retirees and pensioners of the state.

Payment will be made in two installments

According to information provided by the governor, salary advances will be made in two installments. On the date mentioned above, June 23rd, employees will receive only 50% of the salary for the month. The second part of the salaries will be paid on the last business day of the month, the 30th.

This payment division was established based on a table released by the Administration and Finance departments in February this year. The measure aims to bring more financial stability to public servants, allowing them to better plan their personal finances.

Benefits for around 270 thousand people

The anticipation of civil servants' salaries will benefit approximately 270 thousand people in Bahia. This measure is extremely important for public employees, as it allows them to receive part of their salary before the usual deadline. This can be especially relevant in times of need or when making payments and financial commitments.

Suspension of working hours on June 23rd

In addition to the anticipation of salaries, the head of the Bahian executive also announced the suspension of working hours on June 23rd. This suspension is due to the celebrations of the June festivities, an important cultural tradition in the state of Bahia.

However, it is important to highlight that this suspension will be compensated in accordance with a normative instruction that will be published in the Official State Gazette. This way, public servants will not be harmed in relation to their working hours.

Why did the Bahia government advance salaries?

The anticipation of public servants' salaries announced by the Government of Bahia is a measure of great relevance for active and inactive employees, retirees and pensioners in the state. This initiative aims to bring more financial security and enable better planning of employees' personal finances.

The payment will be divided into two installments, the first on June 23rd and the other on Monday the 30th. This division allows employees to receive part of their salaries before the usual deadline.

Furthermore, the suspension of business hours on June 23rd due to the June festivities demonstrates the government's concern with valuing and respecting Bahian cultural traditions.

Source: Salary advance for civil servants on the eve of São João is announced by the governor – Portal Gov Bahia

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