Our History: The Gold Cycle in the State of Minas Gerais

Written by Lucas Oliveira

ArqBahia team of authors.

Brazil has always been a country rich in natural resources, and one of the most important periods in its history was the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais. This was a period of great economic and social development for the region.

Discovery of gold in Minas Gerais

The discovery of gold in Minas Gerais occurred at the end of the 17th century, during the colonial period. At the time, Brazil was a colony of Portugal, and the gold rush had a significant impact on the country's economy.

Historical context

The historical context of the discovery of gold in Minas Gerais is directly related to the search for wealth by the colonizers. Furthermore, there was a great need for resources to finance the export of colonial products to the metropolis.

Location of the first mines

The first mines were found in regions such as Ouro Preto, Sabará and Congonhas do Campo. These areas have become true urban centers, attracting thousands of people in search of work and wealth.

Gold exploration

Gold exploration in Minas Gerais gave rise to several related economic activities. Mining became the region's main source of income, and many commercial activities emerged to meet the needs of the population.

Related economic activities

In addition to mining, other economic activities developed, such as agriculture and livestock farming. This was because it was necessary to supply the growing population that settled in the region.

Work in the mines

Work in the mines was arduous and dangerous. Many people, including African slaves, worked in the mines under precarious conditions. The objective was to extract as much gold as possible to send to the metropolis.

Social and cultural impacts

The Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais had major social and cultural impacts on the region.

Population increase

With the discovery of mines and economic development, the population of Minas Gerais grew rapidly. People from different parts of Brazil and even other countries moved to the region in search of opportunities.

Urban Development

The cities of Minas Gerais underwent intense urban development during this period. Great constructions and works of art were carried out, giving rise to a rich architectural heritage that can be appreciated to this day.

The influence of gold wealth on culture

The wealth generated by gold also influenced the culture of the region. Ouro Preto, for example, is known for its architecture baroque and traditional festivals that celebrate the Gold Cycle.

End of the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais

The Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais had an inevitable end. Production decreased significantly and mines began to run out.

Decline in production and depletion of mines

As time passed, gold mines became less and less productive. The gold that was easiest to extract had already been mined, which made mining less profitable.

Economic transformation

With the end of the Gold Cycle, the economy of Minas Gerais underwent a transformation. Other economic activities developed, such as coffee production and industrialization.


The Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais was a period of great importance in the history of Brazil. The wealth generated by gold brought economic and social development to the region, leaving a legacy that can be observed to this day.


1. What was the main economic activity during the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais?

The main economic activity during the Gold Cycle was mining.

2. How many people migrated to Minas Gerais during the Gold Cycle?

Thousands of people migrated to Minas Gerais during the Gold Cycle, including people from different parts of Brazil and even other countries.

3. What are some of the important cities that emerged during the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais?

Some of the important cities that emerged during the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais are Ouro Preto, Sabará and Congonhas do Campo.

4. Why did the Gold Cycle come to an end in Minas Gerais?

The Gold Cycle came to an end in Minas Gerais due to the decline in production and the exhaustion of mines.

5. What happened after the end of the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais?

After the end of the Gold Cycle, other economic activities developed in Minas Gerais, such as coffee production and industrialization.

See too


The Gold Cycle (usp.br)


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