Healthy Eating Lesson Plan for Early Childhood Education

Written by Mariana Santos

ArqBahia team of authors.


Healthy Eating Lesson Plan for Early Childhood Education

1. Objectives

Estimated time: 10 – 15 minutes

1.1. Main objectives:

  • Promote the importance of a healthy diet for the growth and development of children. (Skill 1)
  • Encourage appropriate eating habits from childhood, aiming to prevent diseases and promote health. (Skills 2, 3)
  • Develop awareness about the origin of food, valuing local and sustainable production. (Skill 5)

1.2. Secondary objectives:

  • Stimulate children's interest in healthy foods, through playful and interactive activities. (Skill 4)
  • Encourage collaboration among students in preparing healthy snacks, promoting socialization and teamwork. (Skill 6)
  • Awaken children's curiosity about different foods and their benefits for the body. (Skill 7)
  • Reinforce the importance of healthy eating in all areas of children's lives. (Skill 8)

2. Introduction

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

To start the class, children will be asked to talk about the importance of eating well to grow up strong and healthy. Children will be shown images of different foods and asked which ones they know and like to eat.

Then, a story will be told about the origin of food, highlighting the importance of farmers and nature in producing the food that reaches our table.

To spark children's interest, a fruit and vegetable painting activity will be carried out, where they can explore their colors and shapes in a playful way.

3. Development

Time estimate: 50 – 60 minutes

3.1. Preparing healthy snacks

Time estimate: 20 – 25 minutes

Children will be divided into groups and will have the opportunity to prepare healthy snacks, such as whole grain bread sandwiches with cheese and tomato, fruit salad, or natural juices. Each group will be responsible for assembling and decorating snacks in a creative way.

During preparation, the teacher will explain the benefits of each chosen food, encouraging children to try new flavors and textures.

3.2. Healthy snack time

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

With the snacks ready, the groups will meet to share and taste the prepared foods. The moment will be for relaxation and socialization, where you can exchange experiences about the chosen foods and your preferences.

During the snack, the teacher will reinforce the importance of chewing food well, respecting meal times and being grateful for the food they have on their tables.

4. Return

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

4.1. Conversation circle about the experience

Time estimate: 5 – 10 minutes

After lunch, a conversation will be held to discuss the children's experiences. The teacher will encourage them to share what they liked most, what they learned about food and how they felt preparing and eating healthy snacks.

The role of food in children's health and growth will be highlighted, reinforcing the importance of a balanced diet.

4.2. Student feedback

Time estimate: 5 – 10 minutes

Students will then be asked to draw or write on paper what they liked most about the activity, what they learned new about food and if they have any suggestions for new activities related to healthy eating.

5. Homework

Time estimate: 5 minutes

As homework, students will be encouraged to draw a healthy plate with different colored foods, representing a balanced meal. They must present the drawing in the next class and explain why they chose each food.

6. Conclusion

Estimated time: 10 – 15 minutes

To end the class, the teacher will recall the main points discussed about healthy eating, highlighting the importance of eating well for growth and health.

The role of food in preventing diseases, the energy they provide for playing and learning, and the fun of trying new flavors will be highlighted.

Finally, the teacher may suggest that children talk to their families about the importance of healthy eating and help them choose and prepare balanced meals at home. Care for the body and the appreciation of nature, which provides us with healthy food for our well-being, will be reinforced.

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