Lesson Plan: Geometric Shapes Early Childhood Education

Written by Mariana Santos

ArqBahia team of authors.


Lesson Plan: Geometric Shapes Early Childhood Education

1. Objectives

Time estimate: 10 – 15 minutes

1.1. Main objectives:

  • Introduce basic geometric shapes to children in a fun and interactive way.
  • Stimulate the recognition and naming of geometric shapes.
  • Promote differentiation between different geometric shapes, such as circle, triangle, square and rectangle.

1.2. Secondary objectives:

  • Develop children's fine motor skills when drawing and cutting geometric shapes.
  • Encourage children's creativity by using different materials to create shapes.
  • Encourage socialization and collaboration among students during group activities.

2. Introduction

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

– Start the class with a song or story that introduces geometric shapes in a fun way.
– Show images of basic geometric shapes and ask children if they recognize any of them.
– Present materials such as play dough, colored paper, scissors and glue for practical activities.

3. Development

Time estimate: 50 – 60 minutes

3.1. Practical activities

Time estimate: 20 – 25 minutes

Activity 1: Shape recognition

  • Distribute cards with different geometric shapes to the children.
  • Ask children to find objects in the classroom that match the shapes on their cards.
  • Encourage the naming of shapes and visual exploration.

Activity 2: Creating shapes

  • Invite children to use clay to mold geometric shapes.
  • Encourage creativity by decorating the shapes with glitter, colorful buttons or pieces of paper.
  • Highlight the characteristics of each shape during the activity.

3.2. Exploration moment

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

– Allow children to freely explore the materials available to create their own geometric shapes.
– Stimulate communication between students, sharing their creations and describing the shapes created.

4. Return

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

4.1. Conversation circle

Time estimate: 5 – 10 minutes

– Gather the children in a circle to discuss the geometric shapes worked on during class.
– Ask about the characteristics of each shape, such as the number of sides and angles.

4.2. Fixation activity

Time estimate: 5 – 10 minutes

– Distribute a sheet with drawings of geometric shapes so that children can identify and color each one.
– Review the answers together, reinforcing the learning of shapes.

5. Homework

Time estimate: 5 minutes

– Ask children to look for geometric shapes at home and bring examples to share in the next class.

6. Conclusion

Time estimate: 10 – 15 minutes

– Recap the geometric shapes learned during the class.
– Reinforce the importance of recognizing shapes in children’s daily lives, such as identifying traffic signs and surrounding objects.
– Encourage observation and exploration of shapes in the environment in which they live.

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