Lesson Plan: Children's Day

Written by Mariana Santos

ArqBahia team of authors.



Estimated time: 10 – 15 minutes

Main objectives:
– Provide a moment of celebration and fun for children, recognizing the importance of this special day in their calendar.
– Stimulate children’s creativity and imagination through playful and fun activities.
– Promote integration and teamwork among students, strengthening bonds of friendship and companionship.


Time estimate: 50 – 60 minutes

Presentation of the theme

Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

To start the class, the teacher can briefly explain the reason for celebrating Children's Day, highlighting the importance of valuing childhood and providing moments of joy and relaxation for little ones. Then, you can suggest activities such as songs, dances and games to celebrate the date.

Practical activities

Time estimate: 20 – 25 minutes

Activity 1: Recreational gymkhana – The teacher can propose a gymkhana with different tests and challenges, such as a sack race, tug of war, hot potato game, among others. These activities aim to stimulate children's motor coordination, team spirit and fun.

Activity 2: Art workshop – Students can participate in an art workshop, where they will have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and produce drawings, paintings or foldings related to Children's Day. This activity encourages artistic expression and imagination in children.


Time estimate: 15 – 20 minutes

Learning Check

Time estimate: 5 – 10 minutes

After the activities, the teacher can gather the children for a conversation, where each one can share their experiences and what they liked most about doing during the Children's Day celebrations. This exchange of ideas allows the teacher to assess student engagement and identify what most caught each student's attention.

Student feedback

Time estimate: 5 – 10 minutes

Then, the teacher can ask the children to express what they liked most about the Children's Day class and if they had any suggestions to make the activities even more fun and interesting. This feedback is important to improve future celebrations and ensure active student participation.


Estimated time: 10 – 15 minutes

To conclude the class, the teacher can reinforce the importance of valuing childhood and providing moments of joy and fun for children. You can also thank everyone for participating and wish them a happy Children's Day, emphasizing the importance of celebrating this special phase in each person's life.

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