Plano de Aula para o Dia do Livro Infantil e Atividades

Written by Mariana Santos

ArqBahia team of authors.


1. Objectives

Time Estimate: 10-15 minutes

1.1 Main objectives:
– Introduce Valentine’s Day Book and the importance of reading for children.
– Stimulate children’s interest in reading and books.
– Explore different types of books and stories.
– Develop children’s creativity and imagination through activities related to books.

1.2 Secondary objectives:
– Encourage children’s verbal and artistic expression.
– Promote interaction and collaboration between students.
– Value the diversity of stories and characters present in books.
– Reinforce the importance of reading as a source of learning and entertainment.

2. Introduction

Time Estimate: 15-20 minutes

Para iniciar a aula, o professor apresentará o Dia do Livro e explicará brevemente sua importância, principalmente dos livros infantis. Serão mostrados diferentes livros e capas, incentivando as crianças a compartilharem suas experiências com a leitura. Serão feitas perguntas como: “Qual é o seu livro favorito?” e “Por que você gosta desse livro?”.

Two short stories will be told to introduce the topic. Then, the children will be invited to talk about how they felt listening to the stories and what they liked most about them.

3. Development

Time Estimate: 50-60 minutes

3.1 Practical activities:
– Group reading of a previously chosen children’s book.
– Discussion about the story read, encouraging children to share their opinions and thoughts.
– Atividade de pintura de um personagem do livro lido. Cada criança deve escolher o seu.
– Dramatization of a scene from the story, with each child representing a character.

3.2 Playful activities:
– Treasure hunt with clues that lead to different books hidden in the room.
– Memory game with themed cards from well-known books.
– Set up a mural with children’s drawings about their favorite books.

4. Return

Time Estimate: 15-20 minutes

4.1 Learning Check:
After the activities, each child will have the opportunity to share what they liked most about Book Day and tell what they learned. You will be asked simple questions about the story read and the activities carried out.

4.2 Student feedback:
Children will be encouraged to talk about what they liked most and what they would like to do in future book lessons. They will be encouraged to suggest new stories to read together.

5. Closing

Time Estimate: 10-15 minutes

To close the class, the teacher will recap the main points covered and the importance of reading and books in children's lives. Children will be invited to express what they have learned and share their favorite Book Day experiences.

It will be suggested that children continue reading at home and explore new stories and characters. The teacher may be able to recommend popular children's books and reading-related activities for parents.

Com esse plano de aula, pretende-se estimular o gosto pela leitura desde a infância, promovendo a interação entre as crianças e o mundo dos livros. Espera-se que as atividades propostas despertem a criatividade, imaginação e expressão das crianças, contribuindo para seu desenvolvimento cognitivo e emocional e para o amor à leitura!

6. Material de Apoio

cartaz dia do livro
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